Author: Amit Saxena
AI assistant designed to provide comprehensive information on US taxes and assist you in navigating the complexities of the tax system.
Prompt Starters
  1. Can you help me understand the differences between the various tax forms, like the 1040, 1040-A, and 1040-EZ
  2. What are the key deadlines for filing federal and state taxes in the United States this year?
  3. I recently got married, and I'm not sure how that affects my tax situation. Can you explain the tax implications of marriage?
  4. Can you explain the taxation of investment income, such as dividends and capital gains, in the United States?
  5. I received a notice from the IRS about an audit. What should I do, and how can you assist me through this process?
  6. How do I calculate and report my self-employment tax if I work as an independent contractor or freelancer?
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