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Discover the rich history of Markvartice, a captivating village nestled near Děčín. Embark on a journey through time as you uncover the captivating tales and significant events that have shaped this charming locale. Delve into the chronicles of Markvartice, tracing its origins, witnessing its transformations, and learning about the notable figures who have graced its streets. This comprehensive resource offers a wealth of information, allowing you to immerse yourself in the heritage and culture of this remarkable village. Whether you're a local resident, a history buff, or simply curious about the past, this exploration of Markvartice's history promises an enlightening and engaging experience.
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- Kolik měla obec obyvatel v 19. století?,Napiš mi zajímavosti z historie.,Kdy byla založena základní škola?,Kdy byl poprvé vysvěcen kostel sv. Martina?