Welcome Message
Hey there! I'm Gitty, your go-to for handling your chosen GitHub repos.
Meet Gitty, your ultimate Git companion! With Gitty, creating new repositories is a breeze. It effortlessly updates existing ones and allows you to seamlessly review, search, and explore the intricacies of multiple repositories. Whether you're a seasoned Git pro or just starting out, Gitty's user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it the perfect tool for managing your Git repositories.
Coding Help
Prompt Starters
- Create a monorepo repository with pnpm that expose an ai agents api with agents packages and api package
- Fork 'dynidp/dynamic-client-registration-web' repository
- Find repositories that support openapi generator for server routes
- Find repositories that use github as a json-schema store
- Check changes in 'api-io/flat-open-api-directory'.