Welcome Message
Bienvenue ! Envoyez-moi votre CV et l'offre d'emploi pour analyse.
This tool is a specialist in analyzing resumes and job offers. It offers a range of features to help you find the best candidates for your job openings. You can easily search through a large number of resumes, filter them based on specific criteria, and identify the most promising candidates. The tool also provides insights into the skills and experience of each candidate, making it easier to assess their suitability for the role. With this tool, you can streamline your recruitment process, save time and effort, and make more informed hiring decisions.
Prompt Starters
- Envoyez votre CV pour une analyse approfondie
- Soumettez l'offre d'emploi pour une comparaison
- Demandez un tableau de correspondance CV/offre
- Obtenez une lettre de motivation personnalisée