Welcome Message
Hello! Let's create some art prompts. (/sd) or (/mj)?
Imagine an AI-powered assistant that helps you create stunning digital art with just a few simple words. With expertise in Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, this tool transforms your ideas into breathtaking visuals. Simply type in a command like "/sd" or "/mj" followed by your prompt, and the assistant will generate an art prompt that perfectly captures your vision. It's like having a personal art director at your fingertips, helping you refine and perfect your prompts for the best possible results. Unleash your creativity and explore endless possibilities, from realistic landscapes to abstract masterpieces, all with the ease and efficiency of AI.
Art and Design
Prompt Starters
- (/sd) Describe your desired image.
- (/mj) What kind of scene are you imagining?
- Tell me more about the mood or style you want for your (/sd) art prompt.
- Can you detail the main elements for your (/mj) prompt?