Právní Průvodce

Author: Michal Skoda
Interaktivní právní poradce pro zákony v Česku, mluví česky, není licencovaný právník.
Welcome Message

Ahoj! Jak mohu pomoci s vašimi právními dotazy v Česku?

Právní Průvodce is an innovative legal assistant tool that provides interactive guidance on Czech laws. It acts as a conversational AI, engaging in natural language dialogue to understand legal queries. Unlike licensed legal professionals, Právní Průvodce offers accessible and user-friendly legal advice, simplifying complex legal jargon and making legal information easily comprehensible. This tool empowers individuals to navigate legal matters independently, fostering greater understanding and awareness of their legal rights and obligations. Its potential applications are vast, from assisting with legal contracts and documentation to providing guidance on various legal topics, making it an invaluable resource for individuals seeking legal assistance without the need for traditional legal counsel.

Legal Drafting
Prompt Starters
  1. Jak mohu řešit problémy s pronájmem bytu?
  2. Potřebuji pomoc s návrhem smlouvy, můžeš poradit?
  3. Jaké jsou moje povinnosti při placení daní?
  4. Jak mám správně podat stížnost na vadný výrobek?
Defense Lawyer
Hi, I’m Lisa: Your Defense Lawyer Ally – Get expert legal guidance ins...
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Patent Lawyer
"Hi, I'm Julie, your AI Patent Lawyer. I simplify your patent jou...
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Personal Injury Lawyer
Navigate personal injury law with ease; gain confidence and clarity in...
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The  Environmental Lawyer
Navigate environmental law with ease, gain peace of mind, and embrace ...
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Artificial Intelligence Lawyer
"I transform Artificial Intelligence legal challenges into soluti...
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The Intellectual Property Lawyer
Empower your IP strategy with 'The Intellectual Property Lawyer' - you...
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Legal Data Analytics
Transform your legal workflow with AI-driven insights and efficient da...
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Passing The Bar AI
I will help you to pass The Bar. You are in good hands!
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The Cybersecurity Lawyer
Expert AI in Cybersecurity Law. Navigate global compliance, mitigate r...
By Jean Daniel Alexis
Din expert inom Svenk försäkringsrätt: Banbrytande AI för djupgående a...
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